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Digital Display Advertising

Brand Your Business and Get More Customers by Driving More Traffic and Retargeting 100% of Your Website Visitors.

Traffic is Critical to Your Business

We’ve found a lot of businesses feel that their industry is getting more competitive every single day, and don’t know what to do about it. Digital Display Ads can get you more traffic (visitors) to your website and give you an edge over your competition. Digital Display Ads are simply the ads that appear to you when you go online.

These ads are more effective than search engine optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads and are less competitive. This form of advertising is usually reserved for top-tier companies, but Go Local Denver is bringing it to you at a fraction of the cost the Fortune 1000 companies are paying.

Get More Customers Automatically

Our Digital Display Ads give you the ability to market to your perfect targeted audience on a local and global scale by maximizing your reach impact across devices, interests, and locations. We work with you to determine an accurate profile of your ideal customer. Through our vast ad network, we place ads on the sites that would be of most interest to them.

We market to everyone that visits those sites that are within your specified city or region. To maximize qualified clicks we split test sets of your product offers, branding, and reputation banner ads. Then, as we gather data, our analytics and reporting drive increasingly better results. Campaigns are optimized for performance based on audiences, ad type, ad copy, design, and day-parting.

What is Retargeting?

Retargeting is an advertising strategy to convert those researching a product or service online into buyers. Generally, 4% of visitors convert on the first visit to a website. Retargeting focuses on re-engaging the other 96%.

With retargeting we target users that have visited your site and already had an experience with your brand. If they leave your site without taking the desired action, we show them ads as they surf around the Internet with the intent of getting them to come back and take the desired action (buy).

10X Retargeting Strategy

Our proprietary 10X Retargeting Strategy gives you the ability to maximize your brand and convert your visitors with a multi-channel and multi-messaging approach for less than the cost of a postcard.

When people come to your site only a small percentage of them are ready to buy. For the rest of them, it’s more a matter of when. For those nearly ready to buy we have only 72 hours to stay in front of those people to re-engage them for a quick purchase.

We use targeted ad messaging for the first 72 after they visit the site. For the rest, we provide a series of changing ads over the next 3 months to re-engage them including offers, reputation, and branding. This 10X retargeting strategy allows us to generate response rates 200 – 300 % above the industry average.


Less Than 4% Of Visitors Contact You… Losing 96% of Potential Customers ​​​​​​


You Can Capture 100% of The Prospects That Visit Your Website ​​​​​​​With Retargeting


Less Than 12% of Sites Retarget… Giving You An Edge Over Your Competition

Campaign Performance

We assess the effectiveness of your campaigns to make future ones smarter by analyzing success metrics and optimizing campaign elements.

Support & Reporting

We supply transparent reports which provide visibility into the ad placements by website, campaign impressions, clicks and retargeting.

Ready to 10X your marketing for less than the cost of a postcard? Contact us to see how you can get results immediately!