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The 3 Step Business Growth Blueprint

The Ultimate Guide For Attracting New Customers At A Profit….And Winning Their Loyalty!

What is your ultimate goal when you spend time or money marketing your business?

To make a sale right? That’s the end result of marketing. Whether you’re trying to build awareness, get someone in the door, or get more referrals, the end goal is to get them to do business with you.

The problem is that most small businesses go about this the wrong way. They all copy each other like kids in school when none of them studied for the exam.

Marketing techniques work best when part of an integrated system that includes a custom mix of both offline and online strategies. In terms of ROI digital marketing, when paired with traditional strategies like direct mail, are two of the most powerful ways to advertise your business today. 

What small businesses need to compete with the big brands is an omnichannel marketing system that attracts new customers, clients, or patients and turns them into raving fans who spend more and refer more. That’s exactly what I’m going to reveal to you my 3 step Business Growth Blueprint. 

Note: Depending on whether you are a restaurant owner who serves patrons, a lawyer who has clients, or a dentist who sees patients, I’m going to use the term “customers” interchangeably from here on out to keep things simple.

A Proven Marketing SYSTEM Based On Solid Business Principals

The number one reason why businesses fail to reach their full potential is they don’t have a consistent and reliable way to generate new customers on-demand and turn them into loyal repeat customers.

Every day your business is losing sales simply because you do not have a clear path to attract new customers and convert them into raving fans, but it doesn’t have to be that way. How would you like to pack your business with customers on-demand and enjoy a more consistent business?

Think about it. Right now in your business, can you generate customers on demand? The answer is most likely a resounding NO. But hey, don’t feel bad, roughly 92% of small business owners are in the same position.

How would you like to know that when you spend $100 on advertising, you would get customers in the door and make back $1,000 within the month? And then you took that $1,000 and turned it into $10,000?

If you had access to a money machine that gave you $2, $5, or $10 back for every $1 you put in, you’d keep putting money in, right? Great marketing is a lot like a money machine… marketing enables sales, which enables the company to meet its goals.

But it doesn’t stop there. What if you could then turn a good portion of those customers into loyal regulars? That might sound too good to be true – And for most it is. But that’s EXACTLY what I’m going to be explaining how to do.

I’m certain that our customer acquisition and retention system will bring you more new paying customers than anything else you’ve done before! It’s an easier, faster, and more profitable way to increase your sales and customer loyalty and a way to become unbeatable in your market.

Just imagine your business producing consistent cash flow week after week, even during traditionally slow times. Make sure to read every word in this report and you will discover why this system is essential for any business owner looking to stay ahead of the curve in building customer loyalty and long-term success.

How And Why My ROI Marketing System Works

This system works because it utilizes each and every aspect of the proven laws of business growth. It’s a system for bringing in new patrons and turning them into loyal customers who spend more and refer others.

There are three primary ways to grow a business:

1st – Gaining New Customers

2nd – Driving Repeat Purchases From Customers

3rd – Increasing Your Profit Per Customer

You see, new customers cost a heck of a lot more than repeat customers. In fact, new customer acquisition costs have increased by almost 50% in the past five years. If you put a price tag on them, you might see something like $50 to get a new customer to come in and $5 to get an existing one to come back. 

The problem is that most businesses usually end up not paying enough for new customers and overpaying for repeat customers, which is like spending $10 to get back $5. To make all this work you need to know who your customers are and have a way to directly market to them. 

Say a restaurant gets their customers to sign up for their VIP Loyalty Club which automatically sends offers to them… now these customers are reached for virtually no cost at all and can be influenced to come in whenever you want. You don’t get that by advertising on TV, radio, or newspaper. 

When Valentine’s or Mother’s day comes around, offers can be sent out for pennies to win their business. Even specially discounted coupons for slow days and times can be fired off to spur business with the click of a button.

Now all that’s left to do is to continue to build a relationship with your customer database and turn them into raving fans who refer you even more business. Let’s break this down further. 

The Business Growth Blueprint


In step one I’m going to show you how to attract all the new customers you could ever need. Finding new customers is the most expensive and difficult task most business owners face.

In order to stay ahead in business, your rate of growth needs to be greater than your churn rate (the rate at which you lose customers). We do this by first determining who your Ideal Customers are and then creating an Irresistible Offer they’ll love.

Most small business owners or marketing managers end up putting out a weak offer that can’t be tracked and doesn’t convey how the potential customer will benefit. 

Your offer must be valuable enough, in the eyes of the customer, to want to come to your business instead of the competition, but not so good that you lose your shirt. Ultimately, this is how we get people to raise their hands and say “I want to do business with you.”

Now I know there are a lot of opinions out there about discounting and the types of customers you attract and I agree 100% with those opinions… When you DON’T have a backend strategy in place to recoup the profits!

You may even lose a few bucks on the front end, but you’ll gain hundreds, if not thousands of dollars over time. and when you use the right restrictions you’ll weed out the “coupon cutters.” Don’t think first-time sale; think lifetime value. But, I’m getting ahead of myself here.

So who do you want to attract? You likely want people who have disposable income and live or work close to your business. Our Go Local Flyer puts your business in the mailbox of your best prospects. Combine that with the targeting power of Digital Display Ads and Facebook and you’ve got all your bases covered, online and offline.

The best advertising doesn’t look like an ad. Our Social Igniter Campaigns allow you to cut through the competitive noise as your brand is being shared by real users who are advocating and stamping their seal of approval alongside the recommendation.

Think about it… the average person has a social circle that reaches hundreds if not thousands of people even if they’re not a “true influencer” and they’ll happily share your brand if they believe in it and the incentive is right. That’s where the magic happens as when a friend tells a friend about your business, it becomes a true recommendation and no longer an advertisement.

And for the people who didn’t take action? Maybe they saw your offer online, but they didn’t actually give their contact information? We will continue to retarget them using Facebook and Google!

You know, those ads that just follow you all around the internet… everywhere you go. We create one of those, so your business and offer stay “top-of-mind” until the time is right for them to take action. This is going to allow you to grow your customer list faster with the least amount of effort.

This brings us to step number two where we focus on getting your customers coming in more often, and creating repeat customers.



As a business owner, you are obviously concerned about attracting new customers. However, you can’t overestimate the importance of customer retention. Repeat customers are probably the most important part of sustained success, plus keeping your loyal customers happy is proven to be more cost-effective than attracting first-time guests. The more your customers visit – the higher your profits.

Researchers at Harvard have found that if you increase repeat visits by 5%, you can raise your profits anywhere from 25% to 95%.

So how do you drive repeat business? You build a customer database by collecting the contact information of the people who take you up on your offers. There’s nothing more valuable than a list of customers who gladly gave you their information because these people are 300% more likely to respond to your offers than anyone else.

I would rather market my business to 1,000 people who’ve personally given me their personal contact information than to 20,000 random people. This way you can continue to market to them and bring them back in more often and spend more money with you. 

This is called the “Customer Return Path” and allows you to reach them for pennies on the dollar, which beats the cost of acquiring them. This is how you cut your marketing costs by 50% or more while getting better results.

The goal of the customer return path is to have frequent, strategic, personal communication with your customer list that gets them to want to come back again and again. This is where you promote new offers and specials without sounding like your competition! By engaging your customers and listening to what they have to say, you begin to build a strong following.

Again, these are people who said, Hey, I want to do business with you.” They gave you their information to do business with you, so its not hard to send out a message and see 10, 20, or 30 people walk in the door on that day, depending on what the offer is. 

Now that you have a steady stream of customers coming in and a fast-growing customer database, it’s time to continue the conversation via email, SMS, Facebook Messenger, and notifications through Mobile Wallet. This is known as “Relationship Marketing” and is how you become a welcomed marketer instead of a pest like every other business in the area is likely looked at as. 

These are not the typical marketing messages most other businesses send out that end up driving their customers away. You need to begin to build a relationship with your customer base so they get to know, like, and trust you through your messaging. This is where the really big ROI happens!

Just keep in mind, that you are not marketing to the masses here. You’re marketing, having a conversation with existing customers or people who have given you their personal information, so your messaging needs to be more personal. Personalized messages make customers feel valued, stand out in their inbox and contribute to brand loyalty.

Talk about your family, something that happened over the weekend, or something with a staff member. This will start to build relationships and get them to feel like they know you on a personal level. 

Your existing customers want to deal with you because they feel you know and understand them. They don’t want to deal with a business that just thinks of them as another sale. As long as youre giving them value and you continue to build the relationship, you’ll have a customer for life.



Next, you want to identify your BEST customers and turn them into Loyal Regulars. There are many ways to identify who your VIP customers are. Whether you track how much they spend personally over a given period of time or which customers have the highest number of friend referrals, it’s crucial to know who these customers are.

Once you have identified these VIPs, implementing a customer segmentation marketing strategy for each subgroup allows you to maintain the relationship and even glean insights on how to convert more customers into these VIP groups. Not to mention, this strategy will achieve much better results than a one-size-fits-all marketing approach.

Our ROI Dashboard helps to identify your best customers and gives us the ability to track redemptions and your return on investment on individual promotions. We can also control who sees your future offers so you only attract your ideal customers!

Here’s an example:

Let’s say John comes in and redeems his one-time offer and doesn’t buy anything else and Jane and her friend come in and each of them spends double what your average customer spends.

Our system tracks this and we have the ability to exclude John from future promotions and send Jane and her friend an exclusive offer via email, SMS, and Facebook Messenger. We can also create a custom audience from these big spenders and tell Facebook to find more people like them.

Marketing is all about excluding everyone who you don’t want to do business with and ONLY targeting the people who you DO want. Can you imagine the results of your marketing if you could only market to people you want to come to your business?

These are your brand ambassadors – the people who love you and your business, spend the most and ultimately drive more business to your establishment than you could on your own.

Although frequent guests (regulars) typically only account for about 15% of a business’s customer base, they are usually providing at least 1/3 of the revenue.

Our goal is aimed at delighting these customers and building a loyal community of promoters and brand advocates who will recommend your business to their friends, family, and coworkers.

Loyalty programs are another great way to create long-term relationships and boost sales. You might feature member-only discounts or special sale preview hours that incentivize loyal customers to shop. Find creative ways to let your loyal customers know you appreciate their devotion to your brand and give them a good reason to shop!

Loyal customers generate 10 times more revenue in their lifetime than new customers and they are also more likely to advocate for your company. With social media being a driving force in referrals, anyone with a computer, tablet, or mobile phone can be a brand ambassador.

These “mini-marketers” can bring in new prospects, cutting out a few steps in the customer acquisition process. They provide something of value for a friend or colleague by passing along a valued referral, and you save time and money with the possibility of acquiring new customers. Win-win.

Never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth and customer loyalty. Since your loyal regulars spend the most with you and are more likely to tell their friends about your business, they’re one of your best resources for growing your business.

Now you’ve got a winning formula for attracting and retaining loyal customers who spend more and bring you more business.

I love being a part of your success!

I enjoy working with businesses that are committed to using powerful stories and experiential marketing, merging the best of digital and direct marketing to bring their brands to life and connect more meaningfully with their customers.

If you truly believe that our customer acquisition and loyal customer-creating formula is exactly what you need to take your business to the next level and you believe in me and trust my advice…

Then I want to give you everything you need to have the ultimate advantage over your competition as fast as possible without you having to risk your money or figure out all the crazy technical stuff that is needed to make this happen.

My team and I will build out a fully automated, customized marketing and promotional system for your business and I’ll let you test it out 100% risk-free. If you are not completely blown away by the results, you don’t have to pay us a penny!

We will handle all the technical work with the websites and all the marketing. We’ll create your promotions, set up Facebook ads, and follow-up campaigns. Everything you need to build a list of customers who like you, trust you, and want to do business with you. All you have to do is sit back, manage your staff, get them prepared for the increase in customers, and be blown away with the results.

Rock Solid Guarantee

As a small business, every dollar matters and you don’t want to invest in marketing with no measurable return. At Go Local Denver, we help businesses attract, retain, and grow their ideal customer base using our proprietary Business Growth Blueprint. We track, measure, and consistently improve our marketing initiatives and have one of the strongest guarantees in the industry.

We will earn our fees in increased sales or we work for free until you get your money back in increased sales. We’re not here to be a cost to anyone. We are a revenue-generating asset or we’re fired. Period. We’re very proud of our services and the value we provide and want to allow new clients the opportunity to work with us risk-free. 

Get Your Free Customized "Business Growth Blueprint"

I’ll give you a plan to get your BEST customers to come in more often and find you dozens or even hundreds of IDEAL new customers!

We promise that we will not try to sell you anything at the end of the call unless you ask us. Click the link below to schedule a free consultation and find out how we can drive more sales and profits to your business faster and easier than you ever thought possible!